Flying Tiger is one of the characters in CrossFire. They are also known as
 Special Duties Unit, an elite paramilitary tactical unit of the Hong Kong Police Force. Its primary functions include counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and dealing with crimes (usually involving firearms) which are considered too dangerous for regular police to handle. The unit was formerly trained by the SAS before the handover of Hong Kong to China.In CF China, Flying Tiger has their own Chinese voice, similar to Delta in CF Korea

The Special Boat Service (SBS) is the special forces unit of the Royal Navy. Together with the Special Air Service (SAS),Special Recoinassance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group,They form the United Kingdom Special Forces and come under joint control of the same  Director Special Forces.
SmileGate Korea
VALVE --> Bone , animation
NEXON cso --> animation
Crossfire Wiki
ABd_rahman( animation, edit model, rig model )
Black_ranjau( convert model & tektures)


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