 SJB is the newest character in Chinese CrossFire and will be updated in November Patch. The character model appears to be based on a player who won a contest by Chinese CrossFire. One of the rewards of winning this contest was getting a character in-game which looks like you. The GR version of this character wears a dark blue suit with black leather shoes. However, the BL version of this character has a vest with a red shirt and is wearing sun-glasses.

SmileGate Korea
VALVE --> Bone , animation
NEXON cso --> animation
Crossfire Wiki
ABd_rahman --> myhobis.blogspot.com ( animation, edit model, rig model )
Black_ranjau --> mhm-smileblog.blogspot.com/( convert model & tektures)

----Aplication in use----
Milk shape 3D aplication
Autodesk 3ds Max 9 aplication
Jed's Half-Life aplication


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